Hello Readers, It’s been a few weeks since my last blog, so I thought it was about time to check in and share an update! And no, before you ask, this is not a pregnancy announcement. Over the past month, I’ve been prioritizing self-care. I realized I had become so consumed with tracking and testing that I needed to take a step back and refocus on myself. While I haven’t given up hope, I’m learning not to let this journey take over my life or define my every day. Stressing over TTC (trying to conceive) won’t change the outcome, and I’ve come to accept that. Instead, I’ve been choosing to focus on prayer, even though it can sometimes feel like God is silent on this matter from my perspective.)
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Self-care is very important in life. Sometimes you do have to step back and take a breather from different things in life. If you don't take care of you, how can you take care of others, right? God is still there, even when it feels like He is being silent....