Ten and a half long years, but I refuse to let this be the final chapter in my TTC journey (even though I am discouraged right now, and just want to give up on what tiny bit of hope I have left)! Somewhere, deep down, I feel a nudge that is pushing me to hold on just a little bit longer. I don't know how much "longer" is... but I think I will pull on my big girl pants, and fight with whatever amount of Faith I have left! I might have scars and bruises, but I'm coming out of this lil' corner fighting! I don't know_I might be crying 10 minutes from now_ but it's okay. I have to be gentle with myself. This is a real struggle! Although, it hasn't been easy, sharing my personal story has helped me relieve some of the pain I have been holding in for so many years. It looks really hopeless from my point of view right now, but I'm still waiting on God to do something BIG in my story!

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Amen! Keep fighting girl! 🥊🙌🙏 There will be struggles in this life but God will give you strength to overcome them all!!