There is so much to be grateful for. When I pause and reflect on the many blessings in my life, one thing becomes clear—life isn’t always as difficult as it seems. I am surrounded by countless small blessings that words can hardly do justice to. Sometimes, all it takes is stepping back to truly recognize the good things we have. I’ll admit—it’s not always easy to stay positive. Like many, I often find myself focusing on the negatives instead of cherishing the blessings that surround me. My journey, however, is a bit different from that of other women. I’ve been fortunate to experience the profound joy of motherhood, so I can’t fully understand the heartache of being childless or the struggles of navigating infertility in the same way. Still, that doesn’t make my own longing or pain any less valid or significant. For over ten years—10½, to be exact—I have yearned for another child. This desire has been a significant part of my journey, shaping my perspective and deepening my gratitude for what I already have. I am truly blessed during this season of waiting. There are days when I don't understand and find myself wondering, "What did I do to deserve walking this path?" Yet, it seems this life was chosen for me for a reason.
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Really loved this! I think a lot of us sometimes take our focus off of the good and blessings we have and get overwhelmed with looking at the discouragement we face. It is a journey of ups and downs but there is always a positive and blessing if we look hard enough. You are right, your desires and trials you face are still important even though you have experienced motherhood. God cares and knows all about it. You are put here for a purpose and this very blog is part of the plan, I feel. You never know who you will reach. Stay strong!
Cindy, Thank you for your kind words and strong positive vibes! I'm encouraged just by reading your comment!